On 24 January, the European Commission reported on the progress made towards an effective and genuine Security Union, including priorities such as countering radicalisation, enhancing cybersecurity and protecting public spaces.

Commissioner for the Security Union, Julian King (Photo: © European Union, 2017 /
EC-Audiovisual Service / Lukasz Kobus)
The Commissioner for the Security Union, Julian King, said: “Over the past year we have intensified efforts to close information gaps, fight radicalisation, scale up cyber resilience, and protect our public spaces. This comprehensive approach is bringing results: but we need to keep the momentum going to ensure a genuine, effective Security Union. We must deal with the terrorist problem at its heart – the radicalisation that can drive people in Europe to violent and extremist ideologies. We will continue working with experts, policy makers and internet companies on this vital issue – there is much still to do.”
Web 13th Report: https://tinyurl.com/yd8bqker
Factsheet: https://tinyurl.com/yadyfb7u