Volume 51

Dear Readers, The main thematic chapter of this issue deals with the use of space, which has symbolic power like no other field of technology. Space is a global common good and all states are free to explore and use it. Civilian space technologies and services have become essential to our daily lives for communication…

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Protecting cities and people – expertise from Singapore

Interview with Chua Jin Kiat, Executive Vice President, International Defence Business, ST Engineering, Singapore With our magazine, we have been following European and international efforts in civil protection and disaster management for years. For this edition, we asked a Singapore-based company about collaboration projects and the company’s contribution to protecting people in south-east Asia and…

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The future EU CBRN Reconnaissance and Surveillance System

by Hartmut Bühl, Paris On 10th April 2024, the European Defence Agency (EDA) took a big step forward in the early detection and reconnaissance of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) incidents. EDA and the five nations (Austria, France, Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia) participating in the PESCO project, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Surveillance as Service…

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Electronic warfare in space

by Dennis-P. Merklinghaus, Spokesperson for Aerospace, Defense, Security at Rohde & Schwarz, Munich Space is globally recognised as being critical to economic success, national security and societal well-being. It is also a domain where confrontation with adversaries is more and more important, as an extension of the classical dimensions of warfare. This confrontation in space…

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The added value for Europe in space cooperation with Asian partners

by Luke Hally, Founding Director of Terra Nova Consultancy, Brussels The security landscape of the 21st century is evolving rapidly, bringing new challenges that policymakers must swiftly address to adapt to the changing dynamics of the post-unipolar world. Key factors driving this change include the emergence of artificial intelligence, cyber defence, drone technology, and, notably,…

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International cooperation for space security in the age of the great power competition

by Hideshi Tokuchi, President of the Research Institute for Peace and Security (RIPS) and Asia correspondent of this magazine, Tokyo Space is important not only for scientific research and economy but also for international security. Historically, space was regulated by international arms control agreements earlier than nuclear weapons or cyberspace. It only took ten years…

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ESOC – Europe’s centre of excellence for satellite operation

by Hartmut Bühl, Paris The European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) is the European Space Agency’s (ESA) control centre and Europe’s centre of excellence for satellite operations. ESOC has been responsible for the operation of all ESA satellites and the necessary global network of ground stations since 1967. To date, the centre has operationally supported over…

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Governance and security in outer space

by Dr Antje Nötzold, Senior Research Associate, Department of International Politics, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany After land, sea and air, space has become the fourth dimension of human civilisation and a day without space is virtually impossible. Space-based systems are not only militarily essential, of considerable economic value and therefore of strategic importance for…

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The public value of space exploration

by Dr Stefan Selke, Professor of Societal Change and Founder of the Public Science Lab, University of Furtwangen, Germany Imaginations about the new space age are increasingly finding a ready-to-receive audience. Corresponding future narratives exist in the form of visions, progress stories, meta-analyses, political-normative models, media reports but also fictional representations. These narratives are associated…

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Making better use of space

Interview with Margit Mischkulnig, Head of Department for Space Affairs, Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Vienna The European: Ms Mischkulnig, you are the Head of the “Space and Aviation Technologies” department in the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Energy, Environment, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK). An impressive variety…

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The role of space in ensuring the European Union’s security

by Timo Pesonen, Director-General, DG Defence Industry and Space, European Commission, Brussels In today’s complex and volatile geopolitical environment, space plays a pivotal role. It is crucial to protect the safety and security of our citizens, safeguard the interests of the EU and our Member States and ensure the well-functioning of critical economic sectors. As…

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Jens Stoltenberg received the Atlantik-Brücke Award

On 25 April 2024, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg received Atlantik-Brücke’s Eric M. Warburg Award in Berlin “for his outstanding dedication to the transatlantic friendship and partnership in turbulent times”. The award was handed over in Berlin by German Federal Defence Minister Boris Pistorius and the laudatory remarks were held by Dr Irina Scherbakowa, co-founder…

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Franco-German relations remain a “must” for European defence

Interview with Denis Verret, former Senior Vice-President of EADS (now Airbus) and member of the Council of EuroDéfense-France, Paris, and Colonel (ret.) Ralph Thiele, Managing Director StratByrd Consulting and  President of EuroDéfense-Germany, Berlin The European: Gentlemen, in November 2023 you published a joint article in the French newspaper La Tribune in which you wrote that…

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Unlocking the potential of space-based technologies for civil protection

by Philippe Geffroy, PPRD Med Team Leader/ISTC Senior Programme Manager, mand Jean Muylaert, PPRD Med Deputy Team Leader/ISTC Expert for new technologies, Astana PPRD Med (Prevention, Preparedness, Response to natural & man-made Disasters in the Southern & Eastern Mediterranean) is a European Commission (DG ECHO) led three-year programme that responds to the tailored needs and…

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Climate change matters to NATO

by Nannette Cazaubon, Paris Climate change matters for our security, and therefore it matters to NATO”, Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General, said at the Dubai climate conference COP28 in December 2023. Participating in a high-level leaders’ event on climate security organised by the COP28 Presidency and the Munich Security Conference (MSC), he emphasised that “climate…

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Issue No. 49

Dear Readers, Edition N°49 of our magazine is published at a time when wars are edging closer to us and people are worrying about security and peace. We decided to put the focus of this edition on Europe and the Transatlantic Alliance, and cooperation in civil protection. There is no doubt that the Transatlantic Alliance…

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Facing the changing Euro-Mediterranean disas-ter risk landscape

by Nannette Cazaubon, Paris Three major meetings on Euro-Mediterranean cooperation in civil protection were held in Barcelona and Valencia from 17 to 19 October 2023. Hosted by the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU), the three events organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG…

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The Republic of Korea’s strategy for the Indo-Pacific and Global Pivotal States

by Dr Eunsook Chung, Senior Fellow Emeritus of Security Strategy Studies at Sejong Institute, Seoul In December last year, South Korea also adopted its official version of an Indo-Pacific strategy entitled “Strategy for a free, peaceful, and prosperous Indo-Pacific region”. While emphasising the Indo-Pacific as home to 65% of the world population, accounting for more…

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France and Germany’s differing approaches to NATO

by Cyrille Schott, Préfet de Region (h), and Board Member of EuroDefénse-France, Strasbourg Joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in different postures, from the beginning France and Germany did not have the same approach to NATO, the military organisation of the Transatlantic Alliance, and this continues today. Diverging approaches from the beginning France signed…

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The story of NATO

A few years after the end of the second world war that left Europe in ruins, the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) was part of a broader project. The US administration under President Harry Truman saw in a transatlantic alliance a powerful instrument to deter the expansionism of the communist Soviet Union…

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The European Union and NATO – the same forces but different strategic objectives

by General Robert Brieger, Chairman of the European Union Military Committee (CEUMC), Brussels The war of attrition between Russia and Ukraine has certainly led to a rethinking of cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Nevertheless, the main question remains: has this increasingly worrying scenario really brought the EU…

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NATO’s continuous transformation – an in-side view

Interview with Jean-Paul Paloméros, former Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (Norfolk), Paris Hartmut Bühl: General Paloméros, after serving as Chief of General Staff of the French Air Force, in 2012 you were the first European to become NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT) in Norfolk. What was your mission? Jean-Paul Paloméros: The mission of the SACT…

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The stakes in the European armament cooperation arena

Conversation between Dr Hans-Christoph Atzpodien, Managing Director of the Federation of German Security and Defence Industries (BDSV), Berlin and Hartmut Bühl, Paris At the end of July, I met with Dr Hans-Christoph Atzpodien, Managing Director of the Federation of German Security and Defence Industries (BDSV) in Hamburg to talk about Germany’s current security policy and…

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Force projection to Africa

by Luke Hally, founding Director of Terra Nova Consultancy, Brussels The European Peace Facility (EPF) plays a significant role in Africa by supporting continental security initiatives. As an instrument of the European Union (EU), the EPF finances armament and operational support for security actions, including peacekeeping operations. It aims to enhance the EU’s ability to…

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The Mediterranean – a region striving for stability

Interview with Ambassador Dr John Paul Grech, Deputy Secretary-General, Social & Civil Affairs, Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), Barcelona Hartmut Bühl: Ambassador, in June of this year, the high-level conference “Climate Change, Civil Protection and Human Security – towards efficient Euro-Mediterranean cooperation” took place in Rome. The event was the occasion for the launch of…

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Japan as a more reliable security partner in this connected world

by Professor Hideshi Tokuchi, President of the Research Institute for Peace and Security (RIPS), and Asia correspondent for this magazine, Tokyo The Government of Japan released its new National Security Strategy in December 2022. The document states that it is a dramatic transformation in implementation of Japan’s national security policy after the end of the…

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Europe and the Sea

by Admiral (ret) Alain Coldefy, President, Societé des Membres de la Légion d’Honneur (SMLH), Paris War made a tragic return to continental Europe when Russia invaded neighbouring Ukraine in early 2022 in an attempt to terrorise the entire country. It is a land war, partly air-land but relatively little naval, even if the French daily…

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The new EU Maritime Security Strategy

by Charlina Vitcheva, Director-General, DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE), European Commission, Brussels The new EU Maritime Security Strategy (EUMSS)1 comes at a time of increasing geopolitical strife and rapid technological developments, answering a broad range of security challenges in the global maritime domain. The EU Member States combined have the largest Exclusive Economic…

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For an “Olive-Green Deal”

by Dr Hans Christoph Atzpodien, Managing Director of Bundesverband Deutscher Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsindustrie (BDSV), and Lucas Hirsch, Sustainability Analyst at BDSV, Berlin It was in Paris in 2015 when 196 nations approved a joint commitment (Paris Agreement) to limit global warming to 1.5C and to reach carbon neutrality in the second half of this century…

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The European Union’s southern neighbourhood

by Manuel de la Cámara Hermoso, EuroDefense-Spain, Madrid In 1995, the European Union (EU) launched the so-called “Barcelona process”, a comprehensive plan whose objective was to extend the area of stability, prosperity, and development to its southern neighbourhood. In 2004, the Mediterranean partners were included in the “European Neighbourhood Policy” (ENP), which included both the…

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The International Rescue Committee’s work on the ground

Interview with Babatunde Anthony Ojei, Country Director for Nigeria, International Rescue Committee (IRC), Abuja The European: Mr Ojei, you have been the Country Director for Nigeria of the non-governmental organisation International Rescue Committee (IRC) since February 2021. Could you briefly explain the mission of the IRC? Babatunde Ojei: The IRC helps people affected by humanitarian…

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Union for the Mediterranean,a close cooperation in civilprotection

Interview with Ambassador Dr John Paul Grech, Deputy Secretary General, Social & Civil Affairs, Union for the Mediterranean, Barcelona Hartmut Bühl: Ambassador Grech, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) is an intergovernmental Euro-Mediterranean organisation aimed at contributing to regional stability, human development and integration: what is the added value of the UfM to security and…

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Alone is not strong!

by Charlotte Petri Gornitzka, Director General, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) Russia’s unprovoked war against Ukraine, now in its second year, has had devastating effects on the Ukrainian people, with serious spillover effects both in Europe and globally. In laying bare some of Europe’s strategic vulnerabilities, the war reinforces our collective need to build up…

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European neighbourhood solidarity and crisismanagement activities

by Tristan Simonart, Team Leader, International Cooperation, DG ECHO, European Commission, Brussels Due to their immediate geographic proximity, the European Union (EU) and its eastern and southern neighbouring regions and countries face similar cross-border disaster risks. Some of them are further exacerbated by the severe and increasing impact of climate change, as already seen this…

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Responding to the sharp increase in emergencies across the world

Interview with Julia Stewart-David, Acting Director, Disaster Preparedness and Prevention/Civil Protection Horizontal Issues (ECHO B.1), and Hans Das, Director for Emergency Management and rescEU (ECHO A), DG ECHO,  European Commission, Brussels The European: Ms Stewart-David, Mr Das, you both hold leading positions within the European Commission’s Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid…

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European solidarity in action

by Janez Lenarčič, European Commissioner for Crisis Management, European Commission, Brussels You are at home when you hear the wildfire warning over the radio. You need to leave immediately. Your thoughts race immediately to your children, still at school… It was August 2022 when France requested help from the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism (hereafter…

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The European Union continues its efforts in CBRN risk mitigation

(Ed/hb, Paris) This week, the European Union CBRN Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence (EU CBRN CoE) Initiative holds its 9th International meeting of the National Focal Points in Brussels. Launched in 2010 to increase national and regional CBRN cooperation worldwide, this successful EU-funded initiative currently counts 64 partner countries. The 2023 Brussels event, organised by…

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Requirements for forces in times of a challenging security environment

Interview with Stefano Cont, Director Capacity, Armament & Planning (CAP), European Defence Agency, Brussels The European: Director, when you took over your position in April 2022 you declared: “At a time when defence expenditure is expected to increase significantly (…), European cooperation and collaborative capability development will be key to making sure the money is…

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NATO’s European pillar – what does it mean for European security and defence?

Interview with Michael Gahler MEP, European Parliament, Brussels/Strasbourg The European: Mr Gahler, you have been dealing with security and defence issues in the European Parliament since 2004 and have held leading positions both in your party and in Parliament. As a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET) and a substitute member of the Subcommittee…

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Lessons for Europe to learn from recent hybrid and cyber-attacks

by Prof Dr Angelika Niebler MEP, EuropeanParliament, Brussels/Strasbourg Do you remember the attacks in September 2022 on the Nord Stream gas pipelines that connect Germany and Russia? The four explosions that hit the pipelines were immediately suspected to have been carried out by Russia, as there were already major political tensions after the Russian invasion…

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The new war of minds

by Jean-Dominique Giuliani, President of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Paris On 7 February, the European External Action Service (EEAS) released its first report on foreign information manipulation and interferences (FIMI), which a 2015 European Council asked it to draft. The European Parliament has set up a Committee of Inquiry on the same subject, as have…

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The EU cybersecurity strategy for facing current and future threats

by Dr Roberto Viola, Director General, DG CNECT, European Commission, Brussels As the digital and the physical worlds are converging more and more, it is of utmost importance to enhance cybersecurity. Cyberattacks know no borders. Therefore, a comprehensive EU approach based on trust, solidarity and mutual assistance is key to fight current and future threats…

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Franco-German relations – a tale of lost confidence and the need for new pragmatism

by Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Senior Research Fellow, Robert Schuman Foundation, Paris For some months now, the message has been clear in France: the Franco-German couple needs a “couple’s therapy”. The need for more emotions and affirmative reactions from the German side is repeatedly expressed by the French. The German media, on the other hand, have far…

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The future Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Reconnaissance Surveillance System

by Johann Fischer, Head of Unit Land & Logistic, and Friedrich Aflenzer, Project Officer for CBRN Defence, European Defence Agency, Brussels The early detection and reconnaissance of chemical, nuclear and biological incidents will be crucial for soldiers’ safety in future warfare. As part of efforts to increase the safety of its armed forces and the…

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How to successfully prosecute CBRN crimes – from the crime scene to the courtroom

by Talgat Toleubayev, UNICRI’s Regional Coordinator of the CBRN Risk Mitigation and Security Governance Programme The development of a series of CBRN Guides is funded by the European Union (EU) Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence (CoE) Initiative. This activity is coordinated by the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice…

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Prevent, Protect, Recover

by Colonel Stephan Saalow, Commander CBRN Defence Command and Chairman FNC Cluster CBRN Protection, Bundeswehr CBRN Defence Command, Bruchsal The use of fourth generation chemical agents in Salisbury (UK), continued nuclear sabre-rattling from North-Korea and Iran, nuclear power plants (NPPS) under threat like in Zaporizhzhia (Ukraine), the exploitation of World War 1 chemical warfare agents documented by the…

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The EU’s CBRN Centres of Excellence policy is a human act

Interview with Bakhtiyor Gulyamov, Head of Regional Secretariat for Central Asia, EU CBRN Centres of Excellence Initiative, Tashkent The European: Mr Gulyamov, you have been the Head of Secretariat of the Central Asia (CA) region within the Euro­pean Union’s Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence (EU CBRN CoE) Initiative since 2015. You…

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Society-encompassing CBRN protection in our Common European House

by Sebastian Meyer-Plath, Sales Director, BLÜCHER, Erkrath As Winston Churchill once very rightly observed, “national security is the primary duty of any government and certainly takes precedence over economic stability”. Defending people against potential attacks with chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) substances by terrorist groups or state aggressors is a crucial part of national…

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The EU’s unique approach to tackling CBRN threats, with the support of the UN

Interview with Natalie Pauwels, Head of Unit, European Commission Service for Foreign Policy Instruments, Brussels, and Marian de Bruijn, Programme Coordinator, United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Turin   After a forced three-year break due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 8th annual meeting of the National Focal Points (NFPs) of the European Union…

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Mission-oriented full spectrum CBRNe protection

by Dr Andreas Arnold, Director of Product Management, Blücher GmbH, Erkrath The comparison of current threats with common scenarios of the past, and the analysis of mission concepts, incidents and challenges repeatedly point to new requirements for personal protective equipment against CBRNe (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives) threats. These range from equipment providing high…

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What does CBRN mean?

The following definitions are excerpt from a study on “EU preparedness and responses to Chemical, Biological Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) threats”. The study, requested by the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) in 2019 and published in 2021, takes stock of the existing preparedness and response mechanisms and compares these against the changing…

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The European Security & Defence Union dedicates its latest issue to the EU CBRN CoE

The independent magazine for European security and defence policy ‘The European Security & Defence Union’ dedicates its latest edition to the EU CBRN Centres of Excellence initiative. The quarterly publication spotlights the EU CBRN CoE as the initiative gains momentum and reflects current concerns in view of the geopolitical situation. “This initiative to combat CBRN…

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The future Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Reconnaissance Surveillance System

by Johann Fischer, Head of Unit Land & Logistic, and Friedrich Aflenzer, Project Officer for CBRN Defence, European Defence Agency, Brussels The early detection and reconnaissance of chemical, nuclear and biological incidents will be crucial for soldiers’ safety in future warfare. As part of efforts to increase the safety of its armed forces and the…

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There is no either/or in arms cooperation between Europe and America

Interview with Lutz Kampmann, Managing Director of Northrop Grumman LITEF Holding GmbH, Freiburg The European: Mr Kampmann, you have been the Managing Director of LITEF since 2019 after holding several executive positions in international companies. LITEF was founded in Germany more than 60 years ago and started by producing under licence and maintaining a navigation…

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Keeping troops effective in the face of advanced CBRN threats

by Colonel Stephan Saalow, Commander CBRN Defence Command and Chairman FNC Cluster CBRN Protection, Bundeswehr CBRN Defence Command, Bruchsal The use of fourth generation chemical agents in Salisbury (UK), continued nuclear sabre-rattling from North-Korea and Iran, nuclear power plants (NPPS) under threat like in Zaporizhzhia (Ukraine), the exploitation of World War 1 chemical warfare agents documented by the…

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The EU’s CBRN Centres of Excellence policy is a human act

Interview with Bakhtiyor Gulyamov, Head of Regional Secretariat for Central Asia, EU CBRN Centres of Excellence Initiative, Tashkent The European: Mr Gulyamov, you have been the Head of Secretariat of the Central Asia (CA) region within the Euro­pean Union’s Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence (EU CBRN CoE) Initiative since 2015. You…

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The EU’s unique approach to tackling CBRN threats, with the support of the UN

Interview with Natalie Pauwels, Head of Unit, European Commission Service for Foreign Policy Instruments, Brussels, and Marian de Bruijn, Programme Coordinator, United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Turin   After a forced three-year break due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 8th annual meeting of the National Focal Points (NFPs) of the European Union…

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Security steels for Europe

by Jörg Maffert, Marketing and Technical Support Manager, Dillinger Hüttenwerke AG, Dillingen The increasingly unstable geopolitical security situation, with war in Europe and terrorist attacks especially in the Sahel in Africa, is making the number of military and civil-military missions rise. The deployment of NATO forces to the eastern flank of the Alliance simultaneously with…

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China’s counter measures against US Theatre Missile Defence

by Debalina Ghoshal, Non Resident Fellow, Council on International Policy;Indian Correspondent of this magazine,Kolkata Qualitative improvements in China’s nuclear forces are a result of its nuclear doctrine of ‘no first use’, coupled with a posture of ‘limited deterrence.’ The Russia-Ukraine war poses new security challenges to the global order making nuclear deterrence most vulnerable.In 1962,…

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How to successfully prosecute CBRN crimes – from the crime scene to the courtroom

by Talgat Toleubayev, UNICRI’s RegionalCoordinator of the CBRN Risk Mitigation and Security Governance Programme The development of a series of CBRN Guides is funded by the European Union (EU) Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence (CoE) Initiative. This activity is coordinated by the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research…

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30 years of EUROCORPS

Interview with Lieutenant GeneralPeter Devogelaere, Commander EUROCORPS, Strasbourg The European: General, you have been the Commanding General of EUROCORPS for almost a year now. During that time, you have been living through the aftermath of the withdrawal of allied forces from Afghanistan, and since 24th February of this year, the security of Europe has been…

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All that glitters is not gold

by Hartmut Bühl, Publisher, ParisIn early June 2022, the French “Forum de Défense et de Stratégie” (FDS) in cooperation with the French Embassy in Berlin and with the support of the President of EuroDefense-­Germany, Ralph Thiele, organised a high-level meeting on transatlantic security architecture with the participation of senior officials from different ministries, leading military…

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Putin’s war of aggression and its implications for European security and defence

by Michael Gahler MEP, European Parliament, Brussels/Strasbourg 24th February this year marks a turning point in European as well as global security. With its illegal and unprovoked attack against Ukraine, Russia’s dictator Putin did not only bring war – including tremendous human suffering – back to Europe, but he also endangered the rules-based international order.…

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How to realise EU enlargement with the Balkans and Ukraine

Interview with Gerald Knaus, Founding Chairman, European Stability Initiative (ESI), Berlin The European: Gerald Knaus, we meet at a historic moment for the European project, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. You have worked on EU enlargement for decades, proposing ideas, from promoting visa-free travel for the Balkans and Moldova to including countries in the European…

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How to help the EU’s eastern neighbours solve major challenges in peace and security

by Teresa Czerwińska, Vice-President, European Investment Bank (EIB), Luxembourg For the European Union (EU) and the European Investment Bank (EIB), the countries to our east are important partners and friends. Some of them are busy changing their societies and economies in hopes of joining the EU. As these countries carry out a lot of work…

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There must be coherence between enlargement and Schengen policy

by Professor Ioan Mircea Pașcu, former Vice-President of the European Parliament, Bukarest “Enlargement” and the “Schengen regime” were conceived as somehow complementary: once fulfilling the “acquis”, a new member was automatically included in the Schengen Agreement, allowing its citizens access to the fourth freedom, namely the free movement of people, conceived to make the EU…

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European sovereignty

by Cyrille Schott, honorary Prefect of region, member of the bureau of EuroDéfense-France, Strasbourg The issue of European sovereignty has been highlighted by Russian aggression in Ukraine. Beyond the necessary debates, the EU was able to react in a coordinated manner by six sets of sanctions against Russia, signs of its economic power. It was…

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Has the time for EU power come?

by Dr Delphine Deschaux-Dutard,Associate Professor, University Grenoble Alpes, CESICE, Grenoble, and Bastien Nivet, Senior Lecturer, EMLV, Paris La Défense The military invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation has forced Europeans to take a new step in asserting a more ambitious international posture, which should anchor the notion of European strategic autonomy in the medium…

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The Germans and the war

Russia’s attack on Ukraine has undoubtedly strengthened the very foundations of the European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). Solidarity has become a guide to action since 24th February 2022. Special attention was quickly focused on Germany after a historic speech by the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, on 28th February, in which…

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NATO and climate change

by Michael Rühle, Head Climate and Energy Security Section, Emerging Security Challenges Division, NATO, Brussels Climate change has become humanity’s greatest challenge. The effects of global warming – melting polar ice caps, rising sea levels and, above all, an increase in extreme weather events – can now be felt worldwide. Accordingly, many states have declared…

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Europe’s defence challenges in times of conflict

by Jiří Šedivý, Chief Executive, and Jean-François Ripoche, Director of Research, Technology and Innovation of the European Defence Agency (EDA), Brussels After the appalling and totally unjustifiable Russian aggression against Ukraine and with a fully-fledged war now raging at the European Union’s doorstep, there is today a common understanding – probably stronger than ever before…

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Success with cooperative EU-NATO defence acquisitions

The MMF Programme is a referencefor future defence armament cooperation photo: © MMU by Joachim Weidmann, OCCAR-EA, MMF Programme Manager and Coordinator; Angel Saiz-Padilla, NSPA, MMF Principal Coordinator Officer, and Dion Polman, EDA, Project Officer Aviation, Bonn/Brussels European Nations face since long an unpredictable strategic situation. New scenarios require new capabilities in growing numbers, whilst…

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How to harmonise defence, security and sustainability on a European scale

by Dr Hans Christoph Atzpodien,Managing Director of the Federation of German Security and Defence Industries e.V. (BDSV), Berlin In the current European debate, our security requirements and need to defend ourselves are not commonly acknowledged as indispensable prerequisites for sustainability. Part of the reason for this is that, among the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals,…

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Hybrid warfare is a serious threat to European prosperity and security

by Ralph Thiele, President of EuroDefense Germany and Chairman of the Political-Military Society, Berlin The world is in the midst of a tectonic shift. Global competition for security architectures, trade and investment regimes and leadership in new technologies is gathering pace. Strategic goals are also being pursued through the threat and use of open military force.…

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A military strategy for the European Union

by Ricardo Dias da Costa, Professor of Strategy and Military Operations at the PortugueseMilitary University Institute (IUM), Lisbon The use of expressions such as the “sovereignty” or “strategic autonomy” of Europe is relatively recurrent among politicians and academics, although it is not consensual. Nevertheless, with the approval of the “Strategic Compass” and for Europe’s sovereignty…

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EU-Japan security cooperation in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

by Professor Hideshi Tokuchi, President of the Research Institute for Peace and Security (RIPS) and Indo-Pacific correspondent of this magazine, Tokyo R ussia’s invasion of Ukraine is a blatant violation of established international law, swaying the rules-based international order. As it is an outright challenge to the global order, it will affect the stability and…

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Has Russia’s invasion of Ukraine created NATO’s “watershed moment”?

by Dr Klaus Wittmann, Brigadier General (ret), Lecturer in contemporary history at Potsdam University, Berlin C ertainly, the invasion on 24th February 2022, long prepared by the ever tighter military encirclement of Ukraine, marked the culmination of the gradually deteriorating relationship between Russia and the West. But this development had several “watershed moments”. Despite the…

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European strategic autonomy and a reinvigorated Atlantic Alliance

by Jean-Paul Paloméros, General (ret), former Supreme Commander Transformation NATO (Norfolk), Paris Not so long ago, discussing European strategic autonomy was considered by many as a non-starter. First and foremost because there was no consensus between EU members and therefore, they softened the language and, beating around the bush, used a more consensual approach by…

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Assuring equivalent protection for European Union civil and military personnel in missions

by Fred Stoof, owner of Stoof International GmbH, Borkheide/Berlin E uropean Union operations and missions are deployed within the framework of the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). In 2003, the EU launched its first military operation to monitor the peace agreement in Macedonia and the operation EUFOR/Althea to oversee the Dayton Agreement in…

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Values that make us unique and strong in a multi-lateral geopolitical world

by Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Research, Innovation, Culture, Education and Youth,European Commission, Brussels T he provoked war in Ukraine is the most recent signal of the need to defend our democratic values and freedoms. An urgent need that Europe addresses with strong resolve and unity. We prepared swift responses to tackle the humanitarian urgencies and…

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“Your fight is our fight”

On 8th April, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen together with the EU High Representative Josep Borrell travelled to Kyiv to meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. In a joint press conference, von der Leyen handed over an envelope containing a questionary on EU accession to the Ukrainian President. Excerpts from von der Leyen’s remarks:…

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Europe and the sea

Interview with Alain Coldefy, Admiral (ret),former Major General of the French Armed Forces, Paris     The European: Admiral, in your book “Amiral – Le sel et les étoiles” you have succeeded in describing the multifaceted profession of the sailor with all its lessons and dangers. What are the differences between the sailors of yesterday and those…

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From strategic autonomy to strategic sovereignty

by Frédéric Mauro, lawyer at the Brussels’ bar and associate researcher at the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS), Brussels/Paris A draft of the “strategic compass”, the first White paper on European defence, was released to Member States in last December. Astonishingly, the phrase “strategic autonomy” appears only once. And it is only mentioned…

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30 years of the European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen)

Interview with Sorin Ducaru, Director of theEuropean Union Satellite Centre (SatCen), Torrejón  The European: Mr Ducaru, allow us to express our warmest congratulations on the 30th anniversary of your agency! For three decades now the European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen) in Torrejón has been actively supporting European foreign and security policy and has by now become…

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The future of European defence: beyond EU and NATO

by Gesine Weber, Program Coordinator,German Marshall Fund of the United States, Paris Since 2016, European defence cooperation has made great leaps forward: the EU has launched the European Defence Fund (EDF), started cooperation within the framework of PESCO (Permanent Structured Cooperation), and the Coordinated Annual Review on Defence (CARD) now allows EU Member States to…

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European Parliament Resolution on the Arctic

On 7th October 2021, the European Parliament adopted a resolution entitled “The Arctic: opportunities, concerns and security challenges”. [The Parliament] 1. Reaffirms that the Arctic is of strategic and political importance to the EU, as an Arctic stakeholder and global actor, and underlines the EU’s commitment to being a responsible actor, seeking the long-term sustainable…

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Russia is not a partner, but a political opponent the west needs to reckon with

by Dr Sabine Fischer, Senior Research Fellow, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik/German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Berlin After almost eight years of conflict since Russia’s annexation of Crimea it is difficult to imagine that relations between the EU and Russia can get worse – and yet events of this winter teach us that…

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What the European Union has to realise in security and defence

Interview with Moritz Brake, Kapitänleutnant and Lecturer for Maritime Security and Strategy, University of Bonn The European: Mr Brake, the European Union (EU) is currently facing adversity, geopolitical competition and a broad range of social, ecological, juridical and political challenges. Is the Union strong enough to master these challenges? Moritz Brake: The EU needs to…

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The European Union is striving for more influence in the Arctic

by Hartmut Bühl, Publisher, Paris The Joint Communication on ”A stronger EU engagement for a peaceful, sustainable and prosperous Arctic” (https://bit.ly/3npDlii ) presented by the EU High Representative and the European Commission on 13th October 2021, cannot hide the fact that the Union has had problems gaining appropriate diplomatic status with the Arctic Council, as…

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“The Union must be in the driving seat!”

Questioning initiatives in European defence In a telephone conference, we asked Dipl-Ing, Major General (ret), Reinhard Wolski, Moderator of The Berlin Security Conference, to take a stand on some of the developments in the EU’s security and defence policy and major armament developments. Nannette Cazaubon: General, the EU High Representative and Vice- President of the European…

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Strategy for European and NATO partnerships

Contribution in missile technology to the EU’s strategic compass Interview with Thomas Gottschild, Managing Director of MBDA Deutschland GmbH and Executive Group Director Strategy MBDA, Schrobenhausen The European: Mr Gottschild, MBDA was created in 2001 after the merger of missile systems companies from France, Italy and the UK, later followed by enterprises from Germany and Spain.…

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Security and Defence

The European Union is continuing efforts to develop own defence capabilities in cooperation, adapting structures and creating financial instruments for security and defence. Although European armaments cooperation is still  in its infancy, the groundwork has been laid for drones, future air combat systems and ground combat systems – but they all involve political and technological risks. OCCAR: a centre…

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“Resilience” is a necessary yet insuf-ficient condition of European security in cyberspace

by Jean-Louis Gergorin and Léo Isaac-Dognin, co-authors of “Cyber, la guerre permanente” (Editions du Cerf, 2018), Paris A year ago, we voiced our concerns regarding the exponential rise of ransomware attacks, and over the impunity enjoyed by certain cybercriminals – modern pirates sometimes more akin to corsairs – in the countries from which they conduct their…

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Britain’s continued commitment to European defence

A European Security Council provides the basis for re-engagement by Robert Walter, President of EuroDéfense-United-Kingdom, London The chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, the apparent continuation, under President Biden, of “America First”, and of course Brexit, provide a critical challenge for Europe and the strategic defence of our continent, our values and our interests. The reaction in…

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Russia is a Transatlantic-European partner, but the West is continuously failing to accept it as such

The world is too complex for every country to adhere to the same political recipes by Vladimir A. Chizhov, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation, Brussels Though relations between Russia and the West have always been a complex story of ups and downs, one should not forget that from the outset we have been…

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France and Germany must unite their interests in a common global strategy

by Dr Ronja Kempin, Senior Fellow at EU/Europe Research Group, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Berlin For a long time, the German federal government, led by Chancellor Angela Merkel, found it difficult to discuss Europe’s “strategic autonomy” in the Common Foreign Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). Representatives of the outgoing government avoided…

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Europe’s special interest in a strong NATO, partnering with the European Union

The EU has to shoulder more responsibility for security and order in its near abroad by Christian Schmidt, former German Federal Minister, President of the German Atlantic Association and High Representative for Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sarajevo The 2020 US election marked an important change in transatlantic relations. Contrary to his predecessor, President Joe Biden sees the EU…

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NATO 2030: securing an uncertain future

by Camille Grand, Assistant Secretary General, Defence Investment, NATO, Brussels We face a challenging security environment marked by systemic competition from assertive powers, instability near Europe’s borders, terrorism, cyber-attacks, disinformation, and much more. This year, NATO leaders took the decisions needed to strengthen our Alliance in light of these threats and to prepare it for…

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The essence of the transatlantic security and defence relationship

Interview with Professor Dr Hans-Gert Pöttering, former President of the European Parliament, Berlin The European: Professor Pöttering, what was your first thought when you heard US President Joe Biden, on the occasion of his visit to NATO headquarters in Brussels some months ago, say that “America is back again”? Hans-Gert Pöttering: We all were happy to hear…

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Covid-19: How industry can powerfully contribute to healthcare

by Kaan Savul, Head of International Cooperation and Global Affairs, Ecolog Deutschland, Düsseldorf To the many entrenched global inequalities – wealth distribution, education attainment, life expectancy and human rights – we can now add access to safe, effective vaccinations.  In many developed countries, 80% or more of the adult population has now received two Covid-19…

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War in a robotic age

by Israel Rafalovich, Journalist, BrusselsDefence strategists and planners are confronted to a rapidly approaching future with a new war fighting regime where unmanned and autonomous systems play central roles. For politicians and military strategists with tight budgets, robots are popular especially with military interventions in foreign countries becoming less popular. Military experts see robotics as…

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The French-German armament cooperation: difficult but essential for Europe

by Patrick Bellouard, former Président EuroDéfense France, Paris, and Cyrille Schott, Préfet (h) de Région, member of EuroDéfense France, Strasbourg The Franco-German engine is essential for Europe, including in armament cooperation. However, this engine, in the field of defence, stumbles upon difficulties. Different strategic objectives In Germany, the tradition of strategic restraint, coupled with close…

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An integrated approach for sustainable security

by Vice Admiral Hervé Bléjean, Director General European Union Military Staff /Director Military Planning and Conduct Capability, Brussels The security situation faced by Europeans today can be increasingly characterised by evolving threats, complexity and uncertainty. On a global scale, contested norms, strategic competition, climate change, terrorist, cyber and hybrid threats can potentially increase instability and…

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EU Satellite Centre: operational support to the CFSP and CSDP

by Sorin Ducaru, Director of the European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen), Madrid With nearly 30 years since its foundation, the EU Satellite Centre (SatCen) has established itself as the prime provider of geospatial intelligence analysis for EU external action. The Centre in Torrejon near Madrid supports the collective decision making in Common Foreign and Security…

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The castaways of hell

by François Thomas, President of SOS MEDITERRANEE France, Marseille  has been the president of SOS MEDITERRANEE France since June 2019. He holds a master’s degree in international transport and is a certified captain and chief engineer in the French Merchant Navy. Acting as marine consultant, he has spent over 40 years in the maritime sector,…

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Environmental migration – multifarious solutions to engage now

by Mariam Traore Chazalnoel, Senior Policy Officer, and Dina Ionesco, Head of the Migration, Environment and Climate Change Division, International Organization for  Migration (IOM)1, Geneva The impacts of climate change and environmental degradation on migration are felt on every continent. The linkages between migration, environment and climate change are complex. People might migrate directly due…

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Defeating Covid-19 through worldwide common digital procedures

Interview with Dr Dirk Wössner, CEO, CompuGroup Medical, Koblenz The European: Dr Wössner, you became the Chief Executive Officer of CompuGroup Medical (CGM) in 2021, at a time when the company’s state-of-the-art software is supporting Covid-19 vaccinations worldwide. Even more than before the pandemic, the whole world is now calling for connections between people, facilities,…

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The role of third states in guiding the EU’s security policy

by Christopher Eid, PhD student on European policy, France The search for closer relations between the European Union and the countries of the Mediterranean basin has taken the form of a Mediterranean partnership agreement (Gomez, 2018) which provides for cooperation in various fields and establishes an open global level of interaction, which includes integration. This…

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Unmanned systems – ethics and international law

Responsibility must remain in human hands by Dr Michael Stehr, Advocate, Board Member of EuroDefense, Bonn, Germany A cultural bias seems to dominate debates on “autonomous systems” with perceptions and expectations shaped by an independently acting “Terminator” or “Skynet”, a superior and amoral artificial intelligence (AI) system with nearly unlimited faculties. The mundane reality The reality…

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A Force for the EU and NATO – Eurocorps is a concrete contribution to the security of Europe and its allies

“The international composition of Eurocorps means that we have to consider each individual nation’s approach and then adopt the best one.” Interview with Lieutenant General Laurent Kolodziej, Commanding General Eurocorps, Strasbourg The European: General, you are the 13th Commanding General of Eurocorps, a multinational army corps, highly respected for its military capabilities and performance in…

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There are many ways to raise the cost of an attack for an aggressor: Deterrence in the 21st century: necessary, but not sufficient

by Michael Rühle, Head of the Hybrid Challenges and Energy Security Section, NATO’s Emerging Security Challenges Division, Brussels For over seven decades, deterrence has been a key concept of western defence and strategic thinking. The reason for this prominence is not difficult to fathom. Deterrence is congenial to democracies. As Lawrence Freedman, one of the…

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Reinforcing European defence with deeper and wider partnerships

Support multilateral efforts to maintain and build peace globally by Dr Kinga Brudzinska, Policy Director, Centre for Global Europe, GLOBSEC Policy Institute, and Lucia Rybnikárová, MA, Project Coordinator, GLOBSEC Policy Institute, Bratislava As the European Union (EU) comes to terms with a rapidly changing global environment, hardly anyone disputes the fact that the EU needs…

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Space NEWS Synergies +++ Spin-offs +++ Spin-ins – Creating synergies between innovation in space, defence and civil research

(ed/hb, Paris) On 22nd February 2021, the European Commission adopted the Communication on an Action plan on synergies between civil, defence and space industries. “With the European Defence Fund we have a strong potential for synergies between innovation in space, defence and civil research & innovation. We need this for a number of critical technologies.…

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Global Earth Observation strategies for the reduction of climate-security threats – Entering a new era

by Sinéad O’Sullivan, Research Fellow, Center for Climate and Security, Washington, D.C. The last year has created ample evidence showing that the impacts of climate change and climate-related threats are in line with, or exceeding, projections of global physical change. Climate change has created consequences for threats that can no longer be contained by borders;…

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Water stress threatens global political and economic stability – Climate change related migration will become one of the most substantial global challenges

by Dr Marcus DuBois King, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. Governments, industry, and civil society are facing urgent political and economic risks to water security. As the impacts of climate change become more apparent, demand grows and supply is increasingly constrained. Each year at least 4 billion people experience severe…

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A pragmatic way of thinking and acting: The green deal in the Asia Pacific Region

by Olzod Boum-Yalagch, Chairman of the Mongolian Green Party, Ulaan-Baatar In these days of “pandemic” disasters, mankind is looking for solutions to address social, economic and environmental challenges. We believe that the way from this impasse is the concept of a green deal based on a pragmatic way of thinking and acting. Younger generations are…

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Digitalisation and climate protection: can they go hand in hand?

by Oliver Bruzek, Policy officer of CompuGroup Medical (CGM), Berlin The question of whether the comprehensive digitalisation of our society can contribute to sustainable economic activity and active climate protection, or whether it is more likely to place a greater burden on our planet, is the subject of controversial debate. Today’s high consumption of resources,…

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The importance of aerosol, cloud and wind research for Europe

Europe must invest in high value space technology by Dr Johannes Bühl, postdoctoral researcher at the Leibniz Institute for TroposphericResearch (TROPOS), Leipzig Dr Johannes Bühl is a postdoctoral researcher at Leibnitz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Germany. Born in 1983, he studied physics with a main focus on optics at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.…

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EU Cohesion Policy: leaving no one behind in the green transition

We need to achieve a green but just and fair transition by Marc Lemaître, Director-General, DG for Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission, Brussels Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. European Commission President von der Leyen has chosen climate and environment-related challenges as the top priority of…

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Strengthened Arab-Israeli relations: development prospects and many unanswered questions

by Gerhard Arnold, Theologian and Publisher, Würzburg The Arab “axis of resistance” against Israel has broken, even if two long-standing hostile neighbours, Lebanon and Syria, will not hear of normalisation of their relations with the Jewish state. The “Abraham Accords”, brief and general statements about future cooperation between Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)…

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Is PESCO able to reinforce the credibility of the Common Security and Defence Policy?

by Natalia Pouzyreff and Michèle Tabarot, members of the French National Assembly, Paris In October 2020, the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Defence Committee of the French National Assembly entrusted us with a mission on Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO). It took place in the context of the first strategic review of PESCO with the evaluation…

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Maintaining the rules-based international order in the age of the US-China rivalry

by Professor Hideshi Tokuchi, Senior Fellow, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo In 1954, when the then Japanese Prime Minister Yoshida visited west Germany, he emphasised to the Germans that European nations should pay more attention to east Asia as the communist bloc would go on the offensive, striking at the liberal bloc’s most…

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Security and defence, both interdependent sides of the same coin

It is the crisis that ultimately moves the lines by Cyrille Schott, Préfet (h.) de région, Member of the Board of EuroDéfense France, Paris Security occupied the minds of Europe’s founding fathers: “Never again war!” However, they pragmatically focused on the economy, creating the European Coal and Steel Community, followed by the European Economic Community…

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The world’s largest free trade zone

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) by Hartmut Bühl, Publisher, Paris Trade deals do not only have an economic impact. They also have a geopolitical aspect, cultural outcomes and often prepare a reordering of regional alignments, mostly creating stability.On 15th November 2020, the fifteen countries of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) held a solemn…

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Towards a Strategic Compass for the EU

Concrete solutions for concrete challenges by Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, Brussels The urgency of the EU’s security and defence initiatives is not diminishing. On the contrary: recent events in Mali, Libya, Ukraine and Nagorno-Karabakh confirm how deeply unstable countries and regions…

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The effectiveness of a state depends on the confidence generated by its leaders

by Cyrille Schott, Préfet (h.) de région, Member of Board of EuroDéfense France, Paris If the performance of authoritarian regimes and democracies in the face of the pandemic has been questioned, another subject deserves consideration: that of the comparative effectiveness of unitary states and federal states. An accurate study of the issue will require sufficient…

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Covid-19: after the pandemic is before the next

by Professor Dr Ulf Dittmer, Director of the Institute for Virology, University Medicine Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen Viruses are very small pathogens that cannot be seen without significant magnification. However, modern borders do not stop these small pathogens from traveling around the world causing massive damage to human health and economies. We are currently still…

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European health policy – time for review and adaptation of the needs of all sectors

A n improved common EU health policy would not only be helpful – as has become more than clear against the background of the current pandemic – but is actually a downright vital necessity. Different approaches to the attempts at containment and treatment of the coronavirus, or the competing procurement of personal protective and urgently…

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Strengthening capacities for border detection and management of CBRN substances

by El Hadj Lamine, Head of the EU CBRN CoE Regional Secretariat for North Africa and Sahel (NAS), Algiers Nowadays, the world is a small village thanks to the unprec- edented development of transportation and communica- tion, making free trade and human mobility easier. National security management is an environment which, while taking advantage of…

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Cross border cooperation exercise “JEYRAN” completed in Uzbekistan

by Otabek Kasimov, Head of Inspectorate on supervision of the implementation of the Convention on Prohibition of Chemical and Bacteriological Weapons, Tashkent Alongside the reforms initiated by Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the country has been actively working in the international arena, strengthening links with the European Union (EU). The implementation…

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Epidemic preparedness is an investment in our people, our economy, and the future

by Dr Rudi Pauwels, Serial biotech entrepreneur and Founder & President of the Praesens Foundation, Brussels As an organisation devoted to epidemic preparedness, Praesens is committed to supporting the EU Coronavirus Global Response and the Security and Development Policy of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Interna- tional Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO).Epidemics should be…

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The JRC’s longstanding effort to support the EU CBRN programmes

60 years of scientific experience By Said Abousahl, Head of Unit, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Brussels Established as a Joint Nuclear Research Centre by the Euratom Treaty, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) draws on 60 years of scientific experience and continually builds its expertise, sharing knowhow with EU Member States, the scientific community…

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Regaining trust: for a more resilient and effective Europe in the face of crises

Europe’s institutions must be able to anticipate and efficiently manage upcoming crises By Natalia Pouzyreff, French member of Parliament and member of the Parliamentary defence committee The Covid-19 pandemic has shown the shortcomings of European states’ coordination efforts. This observation is now shared by Europe’s politicians, such as Wolfgang Schäuble, the President of the Bundestag,…

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The EU CBRN Centres of Excellence – 10 years of cooperation

A network of networks to support CBRN risk mitigation, including non-proliferation By Tristan Simonart, CBRN risk mitigation, DG DEVCO, European Commission, Brussels Celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, the European external Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Centres of Excellence Initiative (EU CBRN CoE) is considered as a long term global network programme of national CBRN…

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Europe’s strong commitment to international security cooperation

The European: Minister, at the end of Exercise Jeyran in Tashkent in November 2019, you concluded: “Finally we are striving together with the European Union for interregional cooperation in antiterrorism and CBRN mitigation.” Let’s take this ambitious objective as the starting point of our interview. Bakthiyor Gulyamov: Indeed, this is my conviction, and there are…

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Jointly countering chemical and biological terrorism

“Jeyran” field exercise successfully carried out in Uzbekistan Tashkent, 15 November 2019 Today, the Counter-Terrorism Field Exercise “Jeyran” was concluded in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. This major three-day event (13-15 November) was organized in the framework of the “European Union Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence” (EU CBRN CoE), a EU funded initiative…

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“What really binds us together is our shared European identity” – The next European elections will be of utmost importance for the EU

Interview with Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament, Brussels/Strasbourg The interview was led by Hartmut Bühl and Nannette Cazaubon “I believe that the next great achievement for the European Parliament will be to obtain true power of legislative initiative.”   The European: President Tajani, you have served within the European Union for a long…

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The time is ripe for a Commissioner for Security and Defence – The EU’s security and defence effort cannot substitute the efforts of the nations

by Ioan Mircea Pașcu, Vice-President, European Parliament, Brussels /Strasbourg The deterioration of the security situation around Europe has accompanied the international financial and economic crisis of 2008. The EU has become inward looking, being gradually absorbed by internal problems (the sovereign debt, the euro etc.) The result has been the neglect of the conflicts around…

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Europe needs to face the threats of the 21st century – We need a European army to assure our security in the future

by Manfred Weber MEP, Chairman of the EEP Group, European Parliament, Brussels/ Strasbourg “We must create a European army by 2030, not to replace national armed forces, but to unite them under a common European roof.” (Manfred Weber) Our freedom and democracy is facing the biggest threat since the end of the Cold War. On…

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The way ahead: more Europe to uphold human rights – Strengthening the EU is the only way to fight populism and fascism

by Ana Gomes, MEP (S&D, Portugal), European Parliament, Brussels/Strasbourg After 15 years and three mandates fulfilled as a MEP in the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, I will leave the European Parliament completely convinced that, more than ever, we need more Europe and a stronger European Union (EU). Needless to say…

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Effective development aid through coherent and concrete projects – There can be no security without development, nor development without security

Interview with Henriette Geiger, Director, DG DEVCO, EU Commission, Brussels “Our work is driven by the promotion and respect of EU values and principles, such as democracy, the rule of law, the universality and indivisibility of human rights and fundamental freedoms.” The European: Ms Geiger, in the Directorate General (DG) for International Cooperation and Development…

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Editorial Vol. 23 – World Climate Summit 2015 – Paris gives the world hope

The result of the Paris World Climate Summit was a triumph for reason and an achievement for French diplomacy. This was the overwhelming view amongst the representatives of the 195 participating states as they listened to a moving speech by 69 year-old French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius announcing a successful conclusion to this diplomatic marathon.…

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Human rights and our common established values are non-negotiable Migration crisis: national egoism versus European values

Interview with Jean Asselborn, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs/Minister of Immigration and Asylum, Luxembourg The interview was conducted by Editor-in-Chief Hartmut Bühl. ”The instrumentalisation of the debate about migration is the most visible sign of a wider rift among EU Member States, which is mostly about the values the EU is based on.” The…

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Working together with Africa towards a more stable and prosperous shared neighbourhood

There is a historic opportunity to strengthen our partnership “For too long, the relationship between Europe and Africa was one of dependency, charity or cooperation on an ad-hoc basis.” by Dimitris Avramopoulos, Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, European Commission, Brussels Europe and Africa are at an important crossroads today, with a historic opportunity…

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The Aquarius’ daily work to save people’s lives – SOS MEDITERRANEE’s mission is to restore humantity at sea and on land

Interview with Verena Papke, Director General, SOS MEDITERRANEE Germany, Berlin The interview was conducted by Nannette Cazaubon “We have to understand that people do not run towards something or a particular place, but that they flee from something.” – Verena Papke In the last 4 years at least 15,000 people have died crossing the Mediterranean…

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Our future is Europe – A robust security architecture will only be possible within a European framework

by Wolfgang Hellmich MdB, Chairman of the Defence Committee, German Bundestag, Berlin Beyond differences and geographical boundaries there is a common interest – how Jean Monnet characterised Europe’s diversity. While this view has become largely accepted in economic terms, military cooperation and integration of EU Member States still have a long way to go. The…

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PESCO is not solely an initiative focused on capability projects – The crucial role of the EDA in coordinating the race for capabilities

Interview with Martin Konertz, Director Capabilities, Armament & Technology, EDA, Brussels “PESCO will be successful if it can strike the right security and defence balance between the European and the various national perspectives.” The Bratislava European Summit, in September 2016, brought a new impetus and awareness that Europe must revitalise defence cooperation against the backdrop…

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What are the lessons for today? Did NATO’s intervention in the Balkans work?

Interview with Gerald Knaus, Chairman of the European Stability Initiative (ESI), Berlin The Interview was conducted by Editor-in-Chief Hartmut Bühl “The promise that Western Balkan countries may one day join the EU and partake in its promise of prosperity and democratic stability is central to peace in the region.” The European: Mr Knaus, there is…

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Armed forces and the challenges of climate change

By Greta Nielsen, Advisor, Federal Office of Bundeswehr Infrastructure, Environmental Protection & Services, Bonn “Consequences of climate change, such as shifts in global precipitation patterns, sea level rise or the increasing number of extreme weather events are affecting the work of the armed forces in different ways.” Climate and the accompanying environmental changes are some…

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The European Union’s action on climate protection

By Mauro Petriccione, Director-General, DG Climate Action, European Commission, Brussels “Climate change is clearly not a conventional security threat and addressing it will require a comprehensive and integrated approach, across all levels of governance.” From drought-damaged harvests to vanishing coastlines, adverse climate change impacts are already being felt across the world, and pressures on our…

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Horizon 2020 – chances to reduce CBRNe risks

By Philippe Quevauviller, DG Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission, Brussels “Policy development and implementation rely on effective interactions among policymakers, research, industry and practitioners in the EU Member States.” Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly € 80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020).…

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Protecting EU’s citizens and environment – A new EU legislation is needed for CBRN food and health risks

By Adina-Ioana Vălean MEP, Chair of ENVI Committee, European Parliament, Strasbourg/ Brussels “In the past, the European Parliament has been attaching particular importance to strengthening chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear security in the EU,  with a special focus on the protection of public health, the environment and food safety.” In the past years, the EU’s…

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Global stability through the EU’s neighbourhood and enlargement policies: Exporting stability or importing instability – this is the question

By Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Brussels “Europe’s prosperity and security cannot be entirely separated from that of its neighbours.” We live in uncertain times. Our continent has experienced multiple crises in the last few years, the effects of which are still ongoing; the financial crisis, the migration crisis, the…

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Strength in partnership

By Maj Gen (ret) Koen Gijsbers, General Manager, NATO Communications and Information Agency, Brussels “The decision to recognise cyber as an operational domain alongside the existing environmental domains of land, maritime and air, will change the way that NATO plans and conducts operations so that cyberdefence is built into the planning from the start.” Today’s…

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A European strategy to counter cybercrime

By Rob Wainwright, Director of Europol, The Hague “As cybercriminals are constantly changing the rules of the game, complementarity, flexibility and innovation are paramount to the successful implementation of the Union’s blueprint for ensuring cybersecurity.” Combatting cybercrime is often depicted as a battle betweenthe police and the cybercriminals. The exponential growth of cyber-enabled and cyber-facilitated…

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13th Security Union Progress Report

On 24 January, the European Commission reported on the progress made towards an effective and genuine Security Union, including priorities such as countering radicalisation, enhancing cybersecurity and protecting public spaces. The Commissioner for the Security Union, Julian King, said: “Over the past year we have intensified efforts to close information gaps, fight radicalisation, scale up…

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